Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I enjoyed Michael Maniates piece “Going green, easy doesn’t do it” as a refreshing piece on activism towards the environment. The comparison of taking the “giving” aspect of thanksgiving and gearing it towards the world is a crafty technique. I say this because it is commonly known how altruistic people become around the holiday time, Thanksgiving and Christmas especially. Maniates is quick to notice this and use it to the environmentalist advantage. However he also dictates how taking the “easy” route (which I will talk about further) is simply not acceptable at this point. We need action that will actually have an impact now.

I really want to look into the trend that even doing the little thing is helpful, which it is better than nothing don’t get me wrong but in this case it is simply not going to cut it. I am someone that’s always considered myself fairly conscious of my actions, turning off the lights, using certain light bulbs, bicycling instead of taking my car but I also realize that my actions could be more. I only do the bare-minimum because it is the easiest possible actions that I can take and still feel as though I am having a positive impact. Maniates is trying to reach these people who DO care and push them to stop being lazy (in my case) and reach cut back on their consumptions and literally GIVE back to the environment. Especially in the United States where our energy usage per person is the highest in the world. The United States could set the example and be the revolutionary people that Maniates states he knows we are and can be

Frankly I find this piece to be moving but also loaded with information and facts that for anyone who doubts could be convinced with.

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