Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The debate about whether or not "climate change" exists is something i always grew up with. My Father is a huge skeptic of the idea and i always had to listen to him mock people who were pulling towards methods of "being green" and conserving energy etc.
The reasons that he is so critical about accepting climate change and believing what people say have to do with party affiliation. But also the ideas that we have to cut back on fossil fuel use which is what our economy runs on. Without it we would not be able to produce produce produce at the rate in which we do. It would take extravagant amounts of effort on everyone's part in order to make our economy run on means that did not come from fossil fuels. That is mainly why i believe people like my father refuse to even consider the idea that it is negatively affecting our earth in the manner that it does. That is also why i particularly liked the "How to talk to a climate skeptic" more because of every day life it was much more useful for me! I also enjoyed how every answer was laid out very scientifically and to the point, there were graphs and simple statements that I definitely could use to argue points. It also gave a HUGE variety of topics in which you could look at global warming from. Instead of the same drilled in points of green house gases, warming up and the end. It covered lots of different angles and maybe at one of the angles it could change a person's perspective. So Yes I think that this website is more convincing

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